Here at Focus All Media we can guide you through the process and formulate and act on a plan for you for your SEO.

Improve your search engine ranking!

Dedicated Process

SEO is not a ‘magic marketing wand’, instead it’s a dedicated process to assist with your website being found on the right search engines, and it takes time, patience and dedication.

Here at Focus All Media we can guide you through the process and formulate and act on a plan for you, we won’t tie you to a contract and will always try to work within your budget constraints wherever possible.

Here are a few methods that we use;

Improve Your Search Engine Ranking with Search Engine Optimisation

All the top search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing have primary search results where websites are shown and ranked based on relevance to the user’s ‘query’ and these listings are known as ‘organic’. If your business does not ‘rank’ for your relevant service on the top pages, then potential customers will find it difficult to find you and potential new sales and leads will be lost. Optimising your website in relation to certain keyword phrases is vital to improve your search engine page ranking results, the further back you are in the pages of listings the longer it will take to address, after all, who looks beyond the first two pages of ‘search engines’ such as Google, Bing etc?!

Google is the most popular and high profile search engine, by ranking your website organically in google will greater exposure of your brand and the products and services that it provides.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Management Services

If you are looking for a marketing channel that delivers targeted traffic to your website can be cost capped, is easy to measure and is scalable then consider carrying out a PPC campaign for your business. Pay Per Click advertising provides you with the opportunity to pay for leading positions on search engines relevant to a user’s search criteria and can provide instant traffic to your business with a potential upturn in business. Targeting your advertising in certain areas or cities can be effective to grow your customer base where you want to see it grow!

With PPC budgets can be set to match your intended spend, at Focus All Media we work closely with you to ensure that you are receiving the best value for your spend, if something is not working we will tell you!!

Social Media

Whether it be Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc, social media plays an important part in many people’s daily lives, at Focus All Media we can guide you from the set up to the operation of social media platforms for your business, and we advise how these platforms can enhance your brand’s awareness, increase traffic and ultimately win you more business.

Clients Feedback

We were very impressed by the professionalism and ideas Focus All Media were able to provide to our marketing campaign. We are looking forward to working with them again in the future.